Monday, December 20, 2010



Since my chosen topic is about FOOD ADDICTION, I decided to promote health care, showing ways on reducing the symptom. Briefly, health care is a treatment preventing illnesses. From my research, food addicts seem to have addictions on the wrong kinds of food.

Like other addictions, there are ways to cure this symptom, just depends whether the person is willing to do it. Also, it is important for one to analyze themselves before start making changes.
Also, you should have some support from family members, friends or better yet, a physician before you attempt on doing this changes.


Here are my surveys.

Target: 7-9 (KIDS)

1. Name: …………………………………………….

(Please tick (X) the box for the answer)

2. Age: …………………...

3. Gender: Boy


(For the following questions, please circle the black dot to answer. You can choose more than one answer)

4. Which of these meals do you take every day?

• Breakfast

• Tea breaks (morning & evening)

• Lunch

• Dinner

• Supper

• All of the above

5. What is your favourite food for breakfast?

• Eggs

• Cereals
• Roti Canai

• Porridge

• Fried Mee

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

6. What do you take for lunch?

• Rice

• Fish

• Vegetables

• Fruits

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

7. What do you eat for dinner?

• Rice

• Fish

• Vegetables

• Fruits

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

8. What is your favourite drink?

• Milk

• Chocolate Drink

• Coca Cola
• Water

• All of the above

9. Which of the following food is your favourite?

• Ice cream

• Burger

• Pizza

• Fried Chicken

• Maggi Mee

• All of the above

10. How often do you eat fast food?

• Every day

• 2-3 times a week

• Once a week

• Once a month

• Never

11. Which of this fast food place do you like to go?

• Mc Donald’s


• A&W

• Burger King

• Pizza Hut/Dominoes

• Kenny Rogers

• All of the above

12. Do you think fast food is bad for health?

• Yes

• No

13. If YES, why do you think it is bad for health?

• My mum/dad says so

• Makes me fat

Target: 19-25 & 40 50 (TEENS & ADULTS)

1. Name: …………………………………………….

(Please (X) the box for the answer)

2. Age: 19 – 25 years

40 – 50 years

3. Sex: Female


(For the following questions, please circle the black dot to answer)

4. Which of these meals do you take every day?

• Breakfast

• Tea breaks (morning & evening)

• Lunch

• Dinner

• Supper

• All of the above

5. What is your favourite food for breakfast?

• Nasi Lemak

• Fried Mee/Mee Hoon/Char Koay Teow

• Roti Canai

• Capati/Tosai

• Porridge

• Cereals/Toast

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

If others, please state:


6. What do you take for lunch?

• White Rice/Fish/Chicken/Vegetables

• Briayani/Fish/Chicken/Vegetables

• Vegetarian Food

• Fruits & Salads

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

If others, please state:


7. What do you normally have for dinner?

• White Rice/Fish/Chicken/Vegetables

• Briayani Rice/Fish/Chicken/Vegetables

• Vegetarian Food

• Fruits & Salads

• Fast Food (Burgers & Pizzas)

• All of the above

If others, please state:


8. How do you like your food served?

• Fried

• Grilled

• Steamed

• Raw

9. What is your favourite drink?

• Teh Tarik

• Beverages (Milo,

• Coffee (White or Black)

• Carbonated Drinks (Coca Cola, Pepsi etc)

• H2O/Mineral Water

• All of the above

If others, please state


10. Do you like fast food (Burgers & Pizzas)?

• Yes

• No

11. How often do you eat fast food?

• Every day

• 2-3 times a week

• Once a week

• Once a month

• Never

12. Which of these fast food joints do you often frequent?

• Mc Donald’s


• A&W

• Burger King

• Pizza Hut/Dominoes

• Kenny Rogers

• All of the above

13. Are you addicted to eating fast food?

• Yes

• No

14. Why do you like to eat fast food?

• Easy & Fast

• Drive-in & Delivery Services provided

• Taste delicious

• Addicted

• All of the above

15. How strong is your addiction to eating fast food?

• Very strong

• Strong

• Average

• Low

16. Do you think fast food is bad for health?

• Yes

• No

17. If your answer is YES, why do you think it is bad for health?

• Unbalance meal

• Use of oil and fats for frying

• Red Meat-based

• Cause obesity & chronic diseases

• All of the above

18. If you are addicted to fast food, would you like to cure your addiction?

• Yes

• No

19. If your answer is YES, which of the following is the best way to cure it?

• Get advice from Dietician/Nutritionist

• Get Medical treatment

• Go for Counselling/Therapy

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